15 July 2007

Summer Vacation

The summers after 4th, 5th and 6th grade, I spent living with my aunt, uncle and cousin in Lawrence, KS. Both my aunt and uncle worked from home, so living with them meant that my mom and dad didn't have to worry about who was going to look after me, what activities I would be involved in, etc.

I went to Library camp and Sports camp, I was on the summer swim team, I spent a lot of time with my cousin and the neighbors spitting watermelon seeds on the sidewalk. I read books and learned to use a computer and watched the Olympics and Mystery on PBS. I had crushes on boys. I tried to learn to knit.

What I'm trying to say is: that was the last time I didn't really have every minute of my day dedicated to something, and even then I had some specific activities that I went to daily or weekly. That was the last time I was truly, as they call it, "carefree." I had a handle on "downtime."


I have so much time on my hands that I've actually gone out jogging twice this week. And I watched a Lifetime movie, start to finish. And I've stopped counting how much sleep I've gotten/how much time I've spent on the internet. I'm so far fallen into this pit of inaction that I can't even get myself to use the internet to find out what's going on in the world. Iran? Who knows. I do know, however, a lot about a few people's lives in Utah and New York, the ins and outs of OK GO's music videos, and the lives of a couple of robots here and there.

The moral? Vacations make me feel like a big ol' creep. HELP ME. I NEED TOO MUCH TO DO.

06 July 2007

America! Huzzah!

Last night we had our first official showing of America:aciremA at the Bryant-Lake Bowl. It started out as an unintentional final dress rehearsal, as the performance was exclusively for Ben's parents and occasionally the waitress who was in and out of the space.


A group of four gay Canadians on vacation came in to see the show about 10 minutes after it started, and they gave us their approval. (Eric and Laura seperately cornered them while they were bowling later. They took the cornering well.)

A friend of the cast came in later, also, because she had the wrong time.

So. Our audience grew from 2.25 to 7 within the hour. Who could ask for anything more? AND we're expecting almost infinitely more people tonight.

Now, if only I could teleport to see various Robots and Journeys in the Big Apple, and stars and monsters in the Little one. That would make my theatrical life closer to complete.