11 December 2007

Death by Hard Candy

Every time the Marketing Director chews a piece of candy, a little piece of me dies.

There are only so many times that I can run to the bathroom to avoid the sound.

Seriously, I would chew off my own limbs if it would make the torture stop.

07 December 2007


1. I'm tooling around on the interweb today, looking up venue information for US theatres. I opened the page for St. Ann's, and the picture at the beginning of the flash animation is a big group of people all standing out on the street outside of the warehouse, and right smack in the middle of the picture are Jason and Jessica from Banana Bag and Bodice. They've definitely gotten drunk in my living room.

2. That made me wonder what BBB is up to, and their website tells me that The Rising Fallen have a return engagement at PS 122 in January. If I can catch The Rising Fallen and Deep Trance Behavior in Potatoland in the same trip, I will be one happy lady.

3. I watched some live video feed of Deep Trance Behavior today. It's looking pretty sweet, with two video screens on the same wall, for a double vision effect. Lots of ladies in dresses. Fulya in elbow length gloves. After awhile there was a weird error where the video footage played with a free jazz show as the sound, instead of the sounds of rehearsal. Creepy.

Uh-oh. Missing New York. Better visit soon or I might to run away to Brooklyn before it's time.

06 December 2007

White Christmas

It snowed eight inches on Saturday.

It snowed another four on Tuesday.

It's snowing right now, and it doesn't show signs of stopping.

I knew this was the Minnesota way, but I've never actually seen it happen. This is more snow that I've seen at once since I was 8.

Who's buying me snow boots for Christmas?