Oh, man.
I am SICK.
Okay, alright, I'm a lot better than I was this morning. But this morning, when I couldn't breathe through my nose, when my snot was green, when I was coughing hard enough to almost vomit, and I was sitting on the couch using Kleenex not to blow my nose but to wipe up exhausted, spirit-crushed tears... Then I was SICK.
I'm spending the day futzing around on the internet, watching movies, drinking cup after cup of Twinings tea, and generally feeling sorry for myself. I'd just held on so long to the hope that the cold I'd been ignoring would just go the hell away, but today I had to give up hope and just give in to being a sick, crying little girl.
Anyhow, now that I'm feeling a little bit more upbeat (as much as can be expected), I figured it was HIGH TIME to BLOG.
1. End of R&J
Thank God.
2. Vacation #2
Looks like the set from a movie about making movies. Reality twice removed.
The Doctor lives in a cute room in a cute house with beautiful, kind friends, most of whom make movies. I want to move in as soon as possible.
We ate grapefruit with lots of sugar and drank apricot beer and The Doctor read stories out loud and we wore dresses and played with friends and had the best frozen yogurt of my life. I saw LA and the Santa Monica pier and Erin Burns and the Chapman film school, where I ran into a guy I knew from college who's acting in movies now. I found sunglasses and bought shoes. I feel like The Doctor's friends will soon be my friends, too.
I went from being nearly sick with worry and various other forms of bad juju to breathing easy and being happy and seeing pretty visions of my future.
Thank you, OC, and thank you, Doctor.
3. FATAL and My Collegiate Romance with a Robot
Bedlam 10-Minute Play Festival
FATAL felt for awhile like it would not become... but it did, and at the Sunday performance we just busted that shit out and went CRAZY! What a stellar group of people. I continue to look forward to making it an evening-length shot to the face.
My Collegiate Romance... went from being a thing that LMac told me I should make, to a title, to a cast show, to a WRITTEN, cast show, to a piece that I really enjoyed, made what it was by a bunch of people I like and am really proud of. And other people enjoyed it, as well. Who could possibly ask for more than that? There will be pictures available soon, and I will be happy to share them here, there, and everywhere. Sunday, Eric was in the audience, and it was clear that every secret was open to him, and everything moment of catharsis for me was apparent to him in it, and hearing him laugh was like a gift just for me.
So, four performances, then strike, and a champagne toast, and a lot of beer on the rooftop patio, and me, happy as a clam.
4. This week
There is too much to say about the down-sides of this week.
On the sunnier side.
There have been walks, and italian sodas, and movies, and grilled food, and painting, and stories, and a house full of friends, and all sorts of things that make me happy and break my heart at the same time. Which is how it should be, I think.
Okay. I'm going to listen to the rain and finish this movie and try to get all better.
Thanks for coming back.