08 March 2006

Re: Birthday

For my birthday (proper) I went to work, to lunch with another birthday girl, to class (Acting with an Accent sang "Happy Birthday." Sadly, not in a Russian accent. That would have been sweet.), to rehearsal, and then to the Bourgeois Pig.

There, the festivities commenced for real. I spent a brief period of time doing the crossword by myself, drinking a glass of Pinot Grigio, but by the end of the night I kept thinking loving thoughts about how many friends/acquaintances I have who could be counted on to come out on a Thursday night and buy me drinks. There were, in fact, more people who wanted to buy me drinks than I could effectively take up on the offer. (I did let the bartender who insists on calling me by name buy me a glass of wine, because who could say no to that.)

So. I stayed out until 3AM and got 1. a little ridiculous, 2. a lot of hugs, and 3. a birthday cake and a flower at 1:45 on a Friday morning.

Quite a few pictures were taken, but to the best of my knowledge, I am in none of them. Typically, that would be a good thing. . .but it was my birthday so I'm not going to bother with pictures that I am not in and did not take myself. Birthdays are excuse enough to be selfish and self-centered, right?

I'm a grown up now. You just think about that.

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