21 January 2008

Fishtank 1


Did you know they have video excerpts on their website?

I would start with the ones here.

And most of the pictures of shows expand into albums if you click on them.

Seriously. It's for your own good.

20 January 2008



There's a gentleman.

There are Russian dancers.

And there's Skewed Visions.

(I have infiltrated to fortress.)

This . . . is my poor excuse for not writing. I've been planning a "2007: Year In Review," and I'd sure as hell better post it before the end of January or I'm officially a jerk.

Small-world coincidence of this evening: while at a potluck for the Russians, I met a Russian filmmaker who lives/works in New York. She looked really familiar, so I asked her to tell me about what she does in NY, to see if I could figure out a connection. Cool stuff, but no connection, until I told her what I was doing in NY last year. She said, "Oh, yeah. I went to Foreman's show last year." Which means I inevitably gave her her tickets. She was waiting for her boyfriend at the theatre, and he was late, so I likely saw her twice in the lobby when she turned back his ticket so he could pick it up himself, which explains why I remembered her face. (Also, she may have been one of the girls that the Eduardo was momentarily infatuated with - she is awfully pretty.)

Anyway, we talked about performance, she passed along some info on the new biennial performance festival in NY, and gave me her card so I can call her next time I'm in NY.
