20 January 2008



There's a gentleman.

There are Russian dancers.

And there's Skewed Visions.

(I have infiltrated to fortress.)

This . . . is my poor excuse for not writing. I've been planning a "2007: Year In Review," and I'd sure as hell better post it before the end of January or I'm officially a jerk.

Small-world coincidence of this evening: while at a potluck for the Russians, I met a Russian filmmaker who lives/works in New York. She looked really familiar, so I asked her to tell me about what she does in NY, to see if I could figure out a connection. Cool stuff, but no connection, until I told her what I was doing in NY last year. She said, "Oh, yeah. I went to Foreman's show last year." Which means I inevitably gave her her tickets. She was waiting for her boyfriend at the theatre, and he was late, so I likely saw her twice in the lobby when she turned back his ticket so he could pick it up himself, which explains why I remembered her face. (Also, she may have been one of the girls that the Eduardo was momentarily infatuated with - she is awfully pretty.)

Anyway, we talked about performance, she passed along some info on the new biennial performance festival in NY, and gave me her card so I can call her next time I'm in NY.


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