15 August 2008

Good Things Come to Those Who...

You know.

Tuesday morning, I call my boss at Janine's, where I've been working part time since the end of the end at TJL, to ask a quick scheduling question. My boss says she's not sure where I am in my job search (I'd sent out another round of resumes to office jobs that morning), but she thinks I'm doing a really good job and doesn't want to lose me if she can help it, so can we figure out how to make the cafe my real job? Especially since she eventually wants to take some leave to have her baby?

Well, YEAH.

You know what I love? Making coffee. You know what I'm good at? Making coffee and being nice to customers. You know where I'd like to do these things? In a tiny cute shop with cute artwork and homemade soups and a garden in the back (as opposed to corporate chocolate with uniforms and chocolate sludge in my shoes and rules rules rules).

So. I am a happy, employed girl, who will have plenty of time and energy to start working on little theatrical projects and keep playing with her friends. How about that? Sounds like the best way to play grownup.


Tink said...

Sounds PERFECT! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Coffee shops are lame. I prefer steak houses and liquor shops.

Anonymous said...

anyway that we can just take that shop over and run it? I need a new job badly...