23 December 2008

Merry Merry

I am excited for Christmas.

I am excited to see my mom and dad, my aunts, my grandparents, my uncles and cousins and second cousins. I am excited to eat delicious food and have hugs and dancing to jazzy Christmas music all day long. I'm excited to see Kyle and laugh until I can't breathe and see my old schoolmates and tell them over and over that yes, it's effing cold in Minnesota, and yes, I did actually quit smoking, thanks.

I'm excited for a road trip with two of my favoritest friend people.

Heck, I'm excited for the little drive South with another one of my favoritest friend people to get me to the bus.

So what I'm saying here is... watch out! I'm in a goooood mooooooood.


P.S. I not only remember how to knit after putting my knitting in the closet for 9 months, I also FINALLY figured out how to finish the end of the first thing I ever knitted! And it's off keeping someone's neck warm! Hooray!

20 December 2008

Sleigh Bells Jinglin'


I finally got some waterproof boots. (Thanks, Pops!)

Who wants to go play in all this freaking snow??? Yeah yeah yeah!

Also, who has the inventory necessary to take me on a one horse open sleight?

13 December 2008


I'd forgotten just how much I like listening to acoustic music at coffeeshops until last night.

Two guitars, a ukulele, some poetry, some improv, a lot of coffee. Yes, thank you, I'll have some of all of that.

12 December 2008

every pitch is a curveball

You still exist in this world?

And you want to know if I'm going to be home for Christmas?

05 December 2008

The Small Hours Can Be Unkind

Last night I got caught in the web of the witching hour, and rather than my half-witch powers gaining strength and vivacity, instead my half-human doubts crushed me under their much-multiplied weight.

Tonight, come midnight, I will be fortified and ready.

03 December 2008

Good Will Towards Men-Tality

Hey. You. Why don't you go and see this show? Tonight, okay?


01 December 2008

Crash That...

I will poison you with my adorable poison bubbles, so WATCH OUT.