24 June 2010

Today was ...

... not what I would call a successful day of teaching.

Starting with not being properly amused by the individual antics of my preschoolers.
Followed by a 5 year-old with a nosebleed.
Then a kid asking about my new necklace:  "So, if I pull too hard, it will break?"
"Yes, it will break."
And ... YANK.
And then, what exactly?  The grumpiness that resulted from all of this led eventually to treating my last class with utter disdain, in response to their volume level and general rowdiness, eventually ending the school day with a kid I've had for 10 months telling me, "I think bad teacher."
"I've had you every day for 10 months.  I'm a bad teacher every day or just today?"
"Just today."
"Well, I think maybe you were a bad student today, too."

Not really a day to be proud of.

But then I skipped the report cards, ate dinner, watched some mindless TV, and then saw a friend's band play in a venue so tiny most of the patrons stood on the sidewalk to watch.  Later, I went with two lovely friends and their dog to a favorite bar to eat dokbokki and we got sucked into watching "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" with the sound turned down, and suddenly life felt a lot more manageable. 

Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day.


Tink said...

Oh, I've been there. Sorry it was a bad day. Sounds like you handled it with better grace than I would've, though. I haven't been told by my kids that they hate me recently, so I guess I'm doing OK for now...


kt said...


That background is an intense background.

Also, everyone is allowed one of those days. I'm proud of you because you didn't choke anyone.


mamalama said...

we've all had days like that, yes? and yes, we are still allowed some measure of grace walking away from it. love you, babe.