Last night my boyfriend did a really sweet thing.
He brought home ice cream (which he ate for dinner, but that's another story).
He lit some candles and turned off all the lights.
And he happily watched an old tape of Simpsons episodes and left me to watch the entire second season of Girls all in one go.
I am ready to admit: I am a Girls lover. As is my nature, I can see the merit in many people's criticisms (the ones concerning it being about young, privileged people, NOT the ones about Lena Dunham's body), but here it is: I find it raw, emotional, and beautifully honest. I see myself (past and present and probably still some of my future) in the way that these girls and boys yearn, struggle, self-sabotage, make terrible decisions, let themselves be trampled, and ask too much and too little of themselves and each other. It makes me laugh and cringe and feel really, really thankful for my incredibly supportive parents, and for every experience I have lived through and maybe had the good fortune to learn from.
Also, I am a huge fan of the nudity.
So, thanks to Lena Dunham for making Girls, and thanks to my boyfriend for creating a safe little bubble for me to enjoy it in. Because if I were still in my early twenties, still living in New York, and still experiencing quite that much life all the time - and was watching Girls alone, sitting in the window well of my 5th floor walk up - that might be too much reality to bear.
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