17 September 2006

i don't care if no one cares what i had for lunch

If you ever come to visit me in Williamsburg, I will take to you the Alligator Lounge, where with every beer purchase they give you a free pizza. My friend Jesica takes herself on dates there, and I'm planning to follow suit in the future.

Also, Theresa has been talking about this restaurant she really likes called Moto since I got here. She said that it was close, that it was tasty, etc. etc. We finally went there today with her parents, who are visiting, and by God if it isn't two blocks away with paninis and brunch and attentive waitresses and a huge wine selection. I will also take you there.

By the way: baked eggs, mixed greens, grilled bread, and two americanos. Don't you wish you were me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"i'm beginning to think my life revolves around food"
diagnosis: correct.

that's all there is too it.

i get to dress up like a swarthy buckaneer and watch muppet treasure island tonight with the Princess and crew.
i miss you pretty lady.
-the doctor