30 January 2007

Because God Likes It That Way

Why, oh, why does St. Mark's always have to be SO FUCKING COLD inside? I have to keep on my coat and my gloves just to be reasonably defrosted. Snow I can handle, but this I can't take much more of. Box office girl needs a space heater.

Luckily (knock on wood) tonight is quiet out in the lobby. It is my job to sell tickets and merchandise, of course, but really I have been hired as the front line of defense against over-enthusiastic talkers and loud dance shows and 9/11 conspiracy meetings. The biggest event so far that I've been involved in dealing with was when the security alarms got triggered by one of the church staff and he couldn't get them to shut off. They were going off in two parts of the building. . .I couldn't help, because I didn't have the code, Shannon ran out of her office to help, Richard left the theatre in the middle of the show to tell us this was a disaster (yes, we know), thankfully the show kept going (thank God), and eventually things got settled down. I had to talk to the police ("no, officer, everything is fine. could you please keep your voice down, we have a performance going on."), but now I have the code, should it happen again. Yikes.

Well, those crashes sound like the end of the show. Better get ready to open the doors.


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