16 January 2007

Buildings and Bridges

We closed wicked fast tonight, and I was out the door by 1:15. I took this, and the extremely mild weather of the wee hours, as a sign that I should walk home. Perhaps not the safest idea, but what the hey, you only live once, etc.

Half way across the Williamsburg bridge, right when I was over the river, I realized that literally no one else was on the whole foot bridge, going either direction. I only saw three cyclists the whole half hour I spent walking the bridge. I took this as another sign: that I should start singing very loudly along with my music. I didn't stop until I was a block away from my house.

I hope to remember this evening most of all.


Anonymous said...

Dream. You seem to be suffering from random fantasy activity saturating all of the reality cells in your cerebral veritex. Treatment unknown: if symptoms persist or impair regular function consult a local physician.
-the doctor

Anonymous said...

USEFUL: The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath,
USELESS: Check your mailbox.

-the doctor