The call has been answered! The maestro over at Todd's Place took up my challenge with a *smack*, and Au will accept the challenge once I tell her the following information:
No, length is of no consequence. You can still expect short bursts of inane thought about food from this here blog during the challenge! Aren't you excited??? So don't panic, because you, too, can join! All you need to meet the challenge is at least one post a day for the next three weeks. Why, that's so much easier than getting homework done!
So, that's three of us taking part, isn't it? Any more takers?
Now, Au, please answer the following:
Is your blog yet public? Can I share it with the world on my list of blogs written by awesome people? Say yes, say yes!
Today is a List Full of Unrelated Thoughts and a Lot of Exclamation Points!:
1. Let's all vote!
2. Let's all drink a cup of coffee or three!
3. Welcome to the world, little Miles Forrest!
4. Welcome to Minnesota, sugarfree and db! Let's see each other soon and often.
5. There's a beautiful Indian Summer happening in Minnesota, at least for another day. Happy November! Who wants to play in the leaves with me before it snows?
6. Hot dog, french fries and a beer for $7! Oh, Triple Rock, there is more to you than just bouncers who bully Kevin on his birthday.
7. Don't Panic! Not quite yet, anyway!

uhhhh....I couldn't help but notice you have signed your blog bebe....shouldn't it be "betee"?
1. i accept.
2. sure, you can link to it.
3. i voted. there was no line.
4. already panicking and there's nothing you can do about it.
I take your challenge....
what else do you need?
p.s. do posted items on Facebook count? hee hee
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