However, I did find out that this FREAKIN' AWESOME GUY is checking out the challenge:
This knowledge has rejuvenated my Challenge Spirit, and I'm ready for a new week.
Some things you should know about that guy up there:
1. He takes his coffee black, unless we're at a diner, in which case he lets me stir in two creams, because he knows that I like to.
2. He used to let me blow my little nose on his shirt sleeve when I was full of snot. I'm sure he still would if I asked.
3. He has a sweet bicycle.
4. He has been quietly wanting a puppy for at least 25 years. No one should have to wait that long for a puppy. Your time is coming, dude, I can feel it.
5. He doesn't fall asleep with peanut butter sandwiches in his mouth. Anymore.
6. He's really good at growing baby flowers.
7. He doesn't like listening to you chew, either.
8. He probably thinks you're pretty awesome. And he probably wants to watch a movie with you or play you some records. So call him up.
Your #1 Fan for Life,
b - snot factory - b
P.S. I saw a commercial for an iPhone this weekend that showed an application where you can know the exact whereabouts, on Google Map, of your friends who also have iPhones. This is TOO MUCH. Twitter, blog, text where you are, for everyone to find you, fine, great, but basically, I don't want to WANT to know where my friends are, literally and exactly, at every moment. That just feels too gross.
Now, the iPhone app that lets you hold your phone up to music playing and figures out what song it is and who it's by - that is gadgetry this girl can get behind.
I use it to post to my journal, too, to keep the challenge going....
I love my iPhone!
Aw, this made me smile real big. Hi, Jeb! Tell Wendy "hi" for me too.
i'll always have a sleeve for you, boo...
your #1 fan for life!
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