08 November 2008


Pascal: What's that?

Me: A flower vase. My friend dropped a flower vase yesterday and it looked like he laid an egg.

Pascal: What did he do?

Me: He said he was sorry.

Pascal: What did you do?

Me: I said it was okay.

Pascal: Did he clean it up?

Me: He did.

Pascal: What's his name? How old is he? Is he a man or a lady? Where does he live? Is he your dad? Do you have a kid?

Me: I don't.

Pascal: ... Me, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what does this child look like? the stories are precious.

i don't ever want to have children, but i think they are the cutest thing ever. i once explained this to caitlin and she said, brilliantly, "of course! they're HUMAN KITTENS." how perfect is that?

i may have already told you this story, and if i have, i am truly sorry.