I am excited for Christmas.
I am excited to see my mom and dad, my aunts, my grandparents, my uncles and cousins and second cousins. I am excited to eat delicious food and have hugs and dancing to jazzy Christmas music all day long. I'm excited to see Kyle and laugh until I can't breathe and see my old schoolmates and tell them over and over that yes, it's effing cold in Minnesota, and yes, I did actually quit smoking, thanks.
I'm excited for a road trip with two of my favoritest friend people.
Heck, I'm excited for the little drive South with another one of my favoritest friend people to get me to the bus.
So what I'm saying here is... watch out! I'm in a goooood mooooooood.
P.S. I not only remember how to knit after putting my knitting in the closet for 9 months, I also FINALLY figured out how to finish the end of the first thing I ever knitted! And it's off keeping someone's neck warm! Hooray!
23 December 2008
20 December 2008
Sleigh Bells Jinglin'
I finally got some waterproof boots. (Thanks, Pops!)
Who wants to go play in all this freaking snow??? Yeah yeah yeah!
Also, who has the inventory necessary to take me on a one horse open sleight?
I finally got some waterproof boots. (Thanks, Pops!)
Who wants to go play in all this freaking snow??? Yeah yeah yeah!
Also, who has the inventory necessary to take me on a one horse open sleight?
13 December 2008
I'd forgotten just how much I like listening to acoustic music at coffeeshops until last night.
Two guitars, a ukulele, some poetry, some improv, a lot of coffee. Yes, thank you, I'll have some of all of that.
Two guitars, a ukulele, some poetry, some improv, a lot of coffee. Yes, thank you, I'll have some of all of that.
12 December 2008
every pitch is a curveball
You still exist in this world?
And you want to know if I'm going to be home for Christmas?
And you want to know if I'm going to be home for Christmas?
05 December 2008
The Small Hours Can Be Unkind
Last night I got caught in the web of the witching hour, and rather than my half-witch powers gaining strength and vivacity, instead my half-human doubts crushed me under their much-multiplied weight.
Tonight, come midnight, I will be fortified and ready.
Tonight, come midnight, I will be fortified and ready.
03 December 2008
01 December 2008
26 November 2008
Fight to the Finish!
We made it to the end of the challenge, people!
Now, we are all winners here. We all did some really nice work, and I plan to continue this kind of incessant, often inane posting, because 1. it gives me something to do, 2. it makes me remember how to form written sentences, which might prove useful in the future, and 3. it is an often hilarious way to conversate with my friendlings. I hope that you plan to do the same.
Yeah, yeah. But WHO WON?
That would MISS ZOE of Joseph and Zoe Tell It Like It Is, by being the only one to not be distracted by weekends, by staying the course, by posting at least once every day for 21 days!

CONGRATULATIONS! Please send me your address and any requests you might have for your Grand Prize.
While Zoe may have Capital-W Won the Challenge, there are other prizes to be handed out, to all those who have participated, because you're awesome and you did a freaking good job. So, send me your addresses, PRONTO. Thankyouthankyou to Todd, Au (dude, you almost tied for the Grand Prize), Justine, Kevin, and Zoe, for adventuring with me. You're all sexy geniuses.
Please note: we're cooking up some weekly themes for those who would like to participate in further challenges, so send me suggestions if you've got them.
Did you have fun? Would you do it again? Will you post daily without a challenge? Do you have a challenge you wish to administer? Let us know...
Thank you for making the Interwebs awesome.
We made it to the end of the challenge, people!
Now, we are all winners here. We all did some really nice work, and I plan to continue this kind of incessant, often inane posting, because 1. it gives me something to do, 2. it makes me remember how to form written sentences, which might prove useful in the future, and 3. it is an often hilarious way to conversate with my friendlings. I hope that you plan to do the same.
Yeah, yeah. But WHO WON?
That would MISS ZOE of Joseph and Zoe Tell It Like It Is, by being the only one to not be distracted by weekends, by staying the course, by posting at least once every day for 21 days!

CONGRATULATIONS! Please send me your address and any requests you might have for your Grand Prize.
While Zoe may have Capital-W Won the Challenge, there are other prizes to be handed out, to all those who have participated, because you're awesome and you did a freaking good job. So, send me your addresses, PRONTO. Thankyouthankyou to Todd, Au (dude, you almost tied for the Grand Prize), Justine, Kevin, and Zoe, for adventuring with me. You're all sexy geniuses.
Please note: we're cooking up some weekly themes for those who would like to participate in further challenges, so send me suggestions if you've got them.
Did you have fun? Would you do it again? Will you post daily without a challenge? Do you have a challenge you wish to administer? Let us know...
Thank you for making the Interwebs awesome.
25 November 2008
Prunus Dulcis
Almond croissants are good, even when they're not very high quality.
Here's the question, though: why do I like the almond paste in almond croissants and not marzipan? I think marzipan is beautiful...

...but I do not like to eat it. This sad fact makes me a marzipan outcast in my family.
Marzip-anecdote: My sophomore year in college, I went to New York with my uncle and cousin for my cousin's birthday. My uncle pestered me the whole trip about if there were any boys that I liked at school, and finally I admitted to liking a particular one. He said, "Well, alright then. You need to buy him a present from New York!" He even offered to pay for it.
(I think it's funny that he was so insistent that I try to woo said boy. I think he just wanted me to be happy, but it was a little weird.)
So, what do you get for a college boy you like but only kind of know? A Yankees hat? (No.) An I Heart NY t-shirt? (Lame.) A book? A Playbill? What?
Finally, on the last day of our trip, we stopped for canoli, and my uncle said, "Look at that marzipan! That's what you're getting your friend." Now, I have plenty of friends who would totally dig that gift, if for nothing but the novelty, but really? Lacking any better ideas, though, I picked out all of the best marzipan vegetables in the case, including some radishes and carrots.
When I gave it to said young man upon my return, he was appropriately confused by the gift, as I had expected. Needless to say, my vegetable wooing proved fruitless.
I embrace the awkward in life, or try to (I have to. I am, after all, 'The Girl Who Makes Things Awkward'), but for some reason the marzipan incident got blocked from my memory for about 4 years.
Then I moved to New York, and one day I walked past the very shop where the marzipan was purchased. I stopped dead in the street, and remembered suddenly not only the candy but also the recipient, and the years of awkward gift giving that followed that forgotten marzipan, like a truck it all hit me. And I laughed.
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Sometimes, things are just so weird that you know that life is a funny joke, not a cruel one.
Awesomely awkward
(and awkwardly AWESOME)
-sweet beet
P.S. Almond flavoring smells to me like poison. I had forgotten that until I was making a drink the other day. Teej is a man who knows his poisons, and he told me that cyanide smells like almonds.
Hope I'm not poisoning the customers!
Here's the question, though: why do I like the almond paste in almond croissants and not marzipan? I think marzipan is beautiful...

...but I do not like to eat it. This sad fact makes me a marzipan outcast in my family.
Marzip-anecdote: My sophomore year in college, I went to New York with my uncle and cousin for my cousin's birthday. My uncle pestered me the whole trip about if there were any boys that I liked at school, and finally I admitted to liking a particular one. He said, "Well, alright then. You need to buy him a present from New York!" He even offered to pay for it.
(I think it's funny that he was so insistent that I try to woo said boy. I think he just wanted me to be happy, but it was a little weird.)
So, what do you get for a college boy you like but only kind of know? A Yankees hat? (No.) An I Heart NY t-shirt? (Lame.) A book? A Playbill? What?
Finally, on the last day of our trip, we stopped for canoli, and my uncle said, "Look at that marzipan! That's what you're getting your friend." Now, I have plenty of friends who would totally dig that gift, if for nothing but the novelty, but really? Lacking any better ideas, though, I picked out all of the best marzipan vegetables in the case, including some radishes and carrots.
When I gave it to said young man upon my return, he was appropriately confused by the gift, as I had expected. Needless to say, my vegetable wooing proved fruitless.
I embrace the awkward in life, or try to (I have to. I am, after all, 'The Girl Who Makes Things Awkward'), but for some reason the marzipan incident got blocked from my memory for about 4 years.
Then I moved to New York, and one day I walked past the very shop where the marzipan was purchased. I stopped dead in the street, and remembered suddenly not only the candy but also the recipient, and the years of awkward gift giving that followed that forgotten marzipan, like a truck it all hit me. And I laughed.
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Sometimes, things are just so weird that you know that life is a funny joke, not a cruel one.
Awesomely awkward
(and awkwardly AWESOME)
-sweet beet
P.S. Almond flavoring smells to me like poison. I had forgotten that until I was making a drink the other day. Teej is a man who knows his poisons, and he told me that cyanide smells like almonds.
Hope I'm not poisoning the customers!
23 November 2008
22 November 2008
"As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be ok. Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy, we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies. And, fortunately, when there aren't any cookies, we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or subtle encouragement, or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort, not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, an uneaten Danish, soft-spoken secrets, and Fender Stratocasters, and maybe the occasional piece of fiction. And we must remember that all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties, which we assume only accessorize our days, are effective for a much larger and nobler cause. They are here to save our lives. I know the idea seems strange, but I also know that it just so happens to be true."
You never knew why you felt so good in the strangest of places...
There is a gorgeous light dusting of snow on the ground this morning, and my roommate made me an egg sandwich.
Which put me in a good mood as I left the house at 7:30 for work.
Which is good, since I stayed up too late last night playing Rock Band and drinking champagne. Also, when I walked in the door of the cafe, the espresso machine was clogged and leaking everywhere, and there was a flood on the floor from some mysterious source.
The floor is now mopped and dry and smelling vaguely of lavender, I got the machine to stop leaking (at least so horribly), all of the opening chores are finally done, and soon I'll have my second cup of coffee and decide to really be awake.
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that my snow- and egg-infused good cheer is kicking the butt of this lame day. So there.
P.S. Dude. San Pellegrino Limonata is delicious.
P.P.S. This totally rad lady comes in every few days for an iced honey americano. She and her husband have different favorite coffeeshops, and rather than switching off where the go, or debating the merits of one over they other, they just go to both.
Every time. No questions asked. She gets a honey americano at Janine's, he gets a medium cup of dark roast with skim milk and one equal from Java Jay's. And they're happy as clams to do it that way.
I think that is awesome.
P.P.P.S. Pascal said of his yogurt today, "This is going to taste me good!"
Which, apparently, is perfect grammar, if you're speaking German.
Which put me in a good mood as I left the house at 7:30 for work.
Which is good, since I stayed up too late last night playing Rock Band and drinking champagne. Also, when I walked in the door of the cafe, the espresso machine was clogged and leaking everywhere, and there was a flood on the floor from some mysterious source.
The floor is now mopped and dry and smelling vaguely of lavender, I got the machine to stop leaking (at least so horribly), all of the opening chores are finally done, and soon I'll have my second cup of coffee and decide to really be awake.
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that my snow- and egg-infused good cheer is kicking the butt of this lame day. So there.
P.S. Dude. San Pellegrino Limonata is delicious.
P.P.S. This totally rad lady comes in every few days for an iced honey americano. She and her husband have different favorite coffeeshops, and rather than switching off where the go, or debating the merits of one over they other, they just go to both.
Every time. No questions asked. She gets a honey americano at Janine's, he gets a medium cup of dark roast with skim milk and one equal from Java Jay's. And they're happy as clams to do it that way.
I think that is awesome.
P.P.P.S. Pascal said of his yogurt today, "This is going to taste me good!"
Which, apparently, is perfect grammar, if you're speaking German.
20 November 2008
The Peak
19 November 2008
18 November 2008
He also tells great stories and remembers everything in exact chronological order.
Well, I definitely didn't touch a computer (but for a friend's iPod Touch - um, those things are SWEET) all fake-weekend (I have Sundays and Mondays off) long. So... whoops, again.
However, I did find out that this FREAKIN' AWESOME GUY is checking out the challenge:

This knowledge has rejuvenated my Challenge Spirit, and I'm ready for a new week.
Some things you should know about that guy up there:
1. He takes his coffee black, unless we're at a diner, in which case he lets me stir in two creams, because he knows that I like to.
2. He used to let me blow my little nose on his shirt sleeve when I was full of snot. I'm sure he still would if I asked.
3. He has a sweet bicycle.
4. He has been quietly wanting a puppy for at least 25 years. No one should have to wait that long for a puppy. Your time is coming, dude, I can feel it.
5. He doesn't fall asleep with peanut butter sandwiches in his mouth. Anymore.
6. He's really good at growing baby flowers.
7. He doesn't like listening to you chew, either.
8. He probably thinks you're pretty awesome. And he probably wants to watch a movie with you or play you some records. So call him up.

Your #1 Fan for Life,
b - snot factory - b
P.S. I saw a commercial for an iPhone this weekend that showed an application where you can know the exact whereabouts, on Google Map, of your friends who also have iPhones. This is TOO MUCH. Twitter, blog, text where you are, for everyone to find you, fine, great, but basically, I don't want to WANT to know where my friends are, literally and exactly, at every moment. That just feels too gross.
Now, the iPhone app that lets you hold your phone up to music playing and figures out what song it is and who it's by - that is gadgetry this girl can get behind.
However, I did find out that this FREAKIN' AWESOME GUY is checking out the challenge:
This knowledge has rejuvenated my Challenge Spirit, and I'm ready for a new week.
Some things you should know about that guy up there:
1. He takes his coffee black, unless we're at a diner, in which case he lets me stir in two creams, because he knows that I like to.
2. He used to let me blow my little nose on his shirt sleeve when I was full of snot. I'm sure he still would if I asked.
3. He has a sweet bicycle.
4. He has been quietly wanting a puppy for at least 25 years. No one should have to wait that long for a puppy. Your time is coming, dude, I can feel it.
5. He doesn't fall asleep with peanut butter sandwiches in his mouth. Anymore.
6. He's really good at growing baby flowers.
7. He doesn't like listening to you chew, either.
8. He probably thinks you're pretty awesome. And he probably wants to watch a movie with you or play you some records. So call him up.
Your #1 Fan for Life,
b - snot factory - b
P.S. I saw a commercial for an iPhone this weekend that showed an application where you can know the exact whereabouts, on Google Map, of your friends who also have iPhones. This is TOO MUCH. Twitter, blog, text where you are, for everyone to find you, fine, great, but basically, I don't want to WANT to know where my friends are, literally and exactly, at every moment. That just feels too gross.
Now, the iPhone app that lets you hold your phone up to music playing and figures out what song it is and who it's by - that is gadgetry this girl can get behind.
15 November 2008
Flirt Alert
Pascal keeps running behind the counter to get my attention.
Then he winks at me and runs away.
Then he winks at me and runs away.
14 November 2008
More Theatrical Nostalgia
Hey, remember that time I got to be in a Richard Foreman show as a stand in for a fighter pilot for half a rehearsal?
That was pretty sweet.
That was pretty sweet.
Making Up
Challenge, Day 11
I had big plans to post when I got off work yesterday, but then I ran errands and put squash in the oven, grated cheese and ate pasta and went to rehearsal and then rehearsed some more, watched some hockey highlights, then fell into bed.
All of which is great, but none of which is posting on my blog.
So. At least twice today as penance, okay?
Last night, and the night before, we had a rehearsal after rehearsal, and I was transported back to the days of yore when it was common practice to rehearse a show from 7-10 and then start the next rehearsal at 10:15, to continue until everyone fell down from exhaustion
That brings a few gems of college rehearsing to mind (lesson: why it's not safe to be too tired):
1. Watching TBuch try to demonstrate a Fireman's Carry, only to be foiled by the man on her back. Watching her face hit the ground. Catching her blood in my hands, trying not to let it get on the new dance floor in the rehearsal room. (Dr. Faustus, 2002)
2. Seeing Kevin get kicked in the head by Peter AND Flinn pass out from lack of oxygen in the same rehearsal. (Ugly Duckling, 2003)
3. Hitting my head on the ground so hard during a movement warm-up that I gave myself whip-lash. (There Is No More Firmament, 2005)
Oh, for real. Let's all try to be a little bit more careful, shall we?
P.S. Mmmm. I want a bed, an electric blanket, a sleep mask, and two days to spend with said items.
Mmmm, I wish I was under an electric blanket, with a sleep mask on
I had big plans to post when I got off work yesterday, but then I ran errands and put squash in the oven, grated cheese and ate pasta and went to rehearsal and then rehearsed some more, watched some hockey highlights, then fell into bed.
All of which is great, but none of which is posting on my blog.
So. At least twice today as penance, okay?
Last night, and the night before, we had a rehearsal after rehearsal, and I was transported back to the days of yore when it was common practice to rehearse a show from 7-10 and then start the next rehearsal at 10:15, to continue until everyone fell down from exhaustion
That brings a few gems of college rehearsing to mind (lesson: why it's not safe to be too tired):
1. Watching TBuch try to demonstrate a Fireman's Carry, only to be foiled by the man on her back. Watching her face hit the ground. Catching her blood in my hands, trying not to let it get on the new dance floor in the rehearsal room. (Dr. Faustus, 2002)
2. Seeing Kevin get kicked in the head by Peter AND Flinn pass out from lack of oxygen in the same rehearsal. (Ugly Duckling, 2003)
3. Hitting my head on the ground so hard during a movement warm-up that I gave myself whip-lash. (There Is No More Firmament, 2005)
Oh, for real. Let's all try to be a little bit more careful, shall we?
P.S. Mmmm. I want a bed, an electric blanket, a sleep mask, and two days to spend with said items.
Mmmm, I wish I was under an electric blanket, with a sleep mask on
12 November 2008
dreams of the study of the nature of being
I had a dream last night that I was helping to throw a dinner party for this guy:

It was being thrown on some tiny college campus somewhere, and something essential to the party was missing (some notebooks), and it was my fault. And anyone who knows that guy, knows that you don't want to be the one who lost anything of his.

It was being thrown on some tiny college campus somewhere, and something essential to the party was missing (some notebooks), and it was my fault. And anyone who knows that guy, knows that you don't want to be the one who lost anything of his.

11 November 2008
What's a challenge without a reward?
To all of my fine friends who are participating in The Challenge:
If you make it to the end of Week 3...
I will make you something special and send it to you in the mail.
How about that?
P.S. Cowboy Hat Guy is here right now. Today would be a very good day for a cowboy hat, what with all the freaking sleet.
P.P.S. Can I drink 8 glasses of water a day, like the proverbial 'they' say I should? Glasses of water so far today: 3 1/2. (Note: cups of coffee are approximately 3 1/2 also. Hmmm.)
If you make it to the end of Week 3...
I will make you something special and send it to you in the mail.
How about that?
P.S. Cowboy Hat Guy is here right now. Today would be a very good day for a cowboy hat, what with all the freaking sleet.
P.P.S. Can I drink 8 glasses of water a day, like the proverbial 'they' say I should? Glasses of water so far today: 3 1/2. (Note: cups of coffee are approximately 3 1/2 also. Hmmm.)
What's delicious?
A turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce, mayo and mixed greens.
What song is awesome?
Case of You by Joanie Mitchell.
What actor would you watch in anything?
Robert Downey, Jr.
A turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce, mayo and mixed greens.
What song is awesome?
Case of You by Joanie Mitchell.
What actor would you watch in anything?
Robert Downey, Jr.
10 November 2008
Back 2 Skool
Somebody needs to start studying for the GRE, and that somebody is me. I miss book learnin', and while it will take a standardized test for me to get there, I need to get myself some more schoolin'.
09 November 2008
I heart Zooey Deschanel...
...and I'm glad that I finally saw Elf.
You should watch it. Especially you, Dad.
You should watch it. Especially you, Dad.
08 November 2008
Pascal: What's that?
Me: A flower vase. My friend dropped a flower vase yesterday and it looked like he laid an egg.
Pascal: What did he do?
Me: He said he was sorry.
Pascal: What did you do?
Me: I said it was okay.
Pascal: Did he clean it up?
Me: He did.
Pascal: What's his name? How old is he? Is he a man or a lady? Where does he live? Is he your dad? Do you have a kid?
Me: I don't.
Pascal: ... Me, either.
Me: A flower vase. My friend dropped a flower vase yesterday and it looked like he laid an egg.
Pascal: What did he do?
Me: He said he was sorry.
Pascal: What did you do?
Me: I said it was okay.
Pascal: Did he clean it up?
Me: He did.
Pascal: What's his name? How old is he? Is he a man or a lady? Where does he live? Is he your dad? Do you have a kid?
Me: I don't.
Pascal: ... Me, either.
Saturday Morning
7AM comes only moments after I lay down, it seems, and I am so warm and cuddly in bed...
But then there is an old fashioned donut and a crunchy donut hole and an extra-strength cappuccino and some good company and Pascal will be here in 5 minutes to bring all the good cheer a girl could need on a rainy day and there will be good music all day long and a crossword puzzle and good friends later.
What a cozy little day.
But then there is an old fashioned donut and a crunchy donut hole and an extra-strength cappuccino and some good company and Pascal will be here in 5 minutes to bring all the good cheer a girl could need on a rainy day and there will be good music all day long and a crossword puzzle and good friends later.
What a cozy little day.
07 November 2008
What is that sticking to my hair and eyelashes?
Happy first snow.
It's looking pretty darn quaint outside the cafe window this morning. I'm just sayin'.
It's looking pretty darn quaint outside the cafe window this morning. I'm just sayin'.
06 November 2008
Gushy gush gush.
I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for, spread across the whole world. And while sometimes I get awfully lonely, and start to feel a little lost, I am lucky, and I know it.
Thanks, guys.
(It sounds mushy, I realize, but you know that I mean it.)
Thanks, guys.
(It sounds mushy, I realize, but you know that I mean it.)
I promise to walk it and feed it and love it, okay?
This made me think of you, there in Japan.

And this made me want a puppy.
Challenge, Day 3
Wow wow wow!
Zoe at Joseph and Zoe Tell It Like It Is has joined the challenge!
Even though he insists he wasn't invited, my favorite Kevin has excepted/accepted the call and if you haven't already been there, go to I Like Drinks, start reading from the beginning, and get yourself all caught up.
Sooooo, now The Challenge is alive and well in Minneapolis, Baltimore, Athens, Lawrence, AND Brooklyn! Another cool thing? Not everyone involved in the challenge knows each other (yet).
While the internet has limitless potential to alienate, I'm glad we're taking this opportunity to connect, friends!

And this made me want a puppy.
Challenge, Day 3
Wow wow wow!
Zoe at Joseph and Zoe Tell It Like It Is has joined the challenge!
Even though he insists he wasn't invited, my favorite Kevin has excepted/accepted the call and if you haven't already been there, go to I Like Drinks, start reading from the beginning, and get yourself all caught up.
Sooooo, now The Challenge is alive and well in Minneapolis, Baltimore, Athens, Lawrence, AND Brooklyn! Another cool thing? Not everyone involved in the challenge knows each other (yet).
While the internet has limitless potential to alienate, I'm glad we're taking this opportunity to connect, friends!
05 November 2008
Proud To Be...
Cheers to the future.
Someone rearranged all of the magnetic poetry on the board that we keep by the window at the coffeeshop into the shape of a heart.
I just went over to look and see what phrase was in the middle of the heart.
"Yesterday is over."
Challenge, Day 2
Au officially accepted the challenge! Read her musings at Secret Plans. She just joined the blogolution, so I'm excited for this opportunity to read something she writes every. damn. day.
Justine will be joining us as well! She is smart and pretty and has adorable children! I'm new to her blog, so that will be some good reading, too! Find her at Welcome to Tink's!
Guys, this is pretty awesome. The challenge now includes amateur bloggers/cool cats living in Minneapolis, Baltimore AND Lawrence. That's fuckin' rock and roll.
Things I want for Christmas (if Target can have all their Christmas crap up, then I can start my Christmas list):
Dear Santa:
I've been really good. Please bring me:
Some skates.
A bass.
A new job for my friend Todd.
An Everlasting Gobstopper. The REAL kind, not the kind that comes in a box of 20.
A puppy.
And I'd like to make it home in time for Christmas Eve dinner. Can I catch a ride in your sleigh?
(T is for T-Rex and don't you forget it.)
Someone rearranged all of the magnetic poetry on the board that we keep by the window at the coffeeshop into the shape of a heart.
I just went over to look and see what phrase was in the middle of the heart.
"Yesterday is over."
Challenge, Day 2
Au officially accepted the challenge! Read her musings at Secret Plans. She just joined the blogolution, so I'm excited for this opportunity to read something she writes every. damn. day.
Justine will be joining us as well! She is smart and pretty and has adorable children! I'm new to her blog, so that will be some good reading, too! Find her at Welcome to Tink's!
Guys, this is pretty awesome. The challenge now includes amateur bloggers/cool cats living in Minneapolis, Baltimore AND Lawrence. That's fuckin' rock and roll.
Things I want for Christmas (if Target can have all their Christmas crap up, then I can start my Christmas list):
Dear Santa:
I've been really good. Please bring me:
Some skates.
A bass.
A new job for my friend Todd.
An Everlasting Gobstopper. The REAL kind, not the kind that comes in a box of 20.
A puppy.
And I'd like to make it home in time for Christmas Eve dinner. Can I catch a ride in your sleigh?
(T is for T-Rex and don't you forget it.)
04 November 2008
Challenge Accepted!
Challenge, Day 1
The call has been answered! The maestro over at Todd's Place took up my challenge with a *smack*, and Au will accept the challenge once I tell her the following information:
No, length is of no consequence. You can still expect short bursts of inane thought about food from this here blog during the challenge! Aren't you excited??? So don't panic, because you, too, can join! All you need to meet the challenge is at least one post a day for the next three weeks. Why, that's so much easier than getting homework done!
So, that's three of us taking part, isn't it? Any more takers?
Now, Au, please answer the following:
Is your blog yet public? Can I share it with the world on my list of blogs written by awesome people? Say yes, say yes!
Today is a List Full of Unrelated Thoughts and a Lot of Exclamation Points!:
1. Let's all vote!
2. Let's all drink a cup of coffee or three!
3. Welcome to the world, little Miles Forrest!
4. Welcome to Minnesota, sugarfree and db! Let's see each other soon and often.
5. There's a beautiful Indian Summer happening in Minnesota, at least for another day. Happy November! Who wants to play in the leaves with me before it snows?
6. Hot dog, french fries and a beer for $7! Oh, Triple Rock, there is more to you than just bouncers who bully Kevin on his birthday.
7. Don't Panic! Not quite yet, anyway!

The call has been answered! The maestro over at Todd's Place took up my challenge with a *smack*, and Au will accept the challenge once I tell her the following information:
No, length is of no consequence. You can still expect short bursts of inane thought about food from this here blog during the challenge! Aren't you excited??? So don't panic, because you, too, can join! All you need to meet the challenge is at least one post a day for the next three weeks. Why, that's so much easier than getting homework done!
So, that's three of us taking part, isn't it? Any more takers?
Now, Au, please answer the following:
Is your blog yet public? Can I share it with the world on my list of blogs written by awesome people? Say yes, say yes!
Today is a List Full of Unrelated Thoughts and a Lot of Exclamation Points!:
1. Let's all vote!
2. Let's all drink a cup of coffee or three!
3. Welcome to the world, little Miles Forrest!
4. Welcome to Minnesota, sugarfree and db! Let's see each other soon and often.
5. There's a beautiful Indian Summer happening in Minnesota, at least for another day. Happy November! Who wants to play in the leaves with me before it snows?
6. Hot dog, french fries and a beer for $7! Oh, Triple Rock, there is more to you than just bouncers who bully Kevin on his birthday.
7. Don't Panic! Not quite yet, anyway!

03 November 2008
Last night I was so sleepy at 630PM that I went to get a double espresso to cure what ailed me. I decided the Cliquot Club was the place to go, with it's cute boy waitstaff and it's connection to Kevin (and it's proximity to the Ivy Building where I would be rehearsing shortly).
I turned off the car, closed my burning, tired eyes for a second, and then?
I fell asleep in my car for 20 minutes.
When I did wake up, I almost decided to let myself fall back asleep, without checking to see how long I'd been conked out.
I dragged myself into the Club and ordered my coffee, but it's all a blur because basically, I was still asleep.
Choosing to nap in your car is one thing (lunch break at the McJob, waiting to pick up someone from work, etc.), but to fall asleep accidentally... is just kind of bizarre.
I think this means it's time for me to hibernate. See ya in spring, suckers.
I turned off the car, closed my burning, tired eyes for a second, and then?
I fell asleep in my car for 20 minutes.
When I did wake up, I almost decided to let myself fall back asleep, without checking to see how long I'd been conked out.
I dragged myself into the Club and ordered my coffee, but it's all a blur because basically, I was still asleep.
Choosing to nap in your car is one thing (lunch break at the McJob, waiting to pick up someone from work, etc.), but to fall asleep accidentally... is just kind of bizarre.
I think this means it's time for me to hibernate. See ya in spring, suckers.
Internet Challenge
I will post something every day for 3 weeks if someone else will take up the challenge and do the same. Any takers?
02 November 2008
01 November 2008
How can I go back in time and thank the person that discovered cheese?
How many sodas will I drink at work today?
Wish I had some pizza.
How many sodas will I drink at work today?
Wish I had some pizza.
30 October 2008
Anything Related to the Sea
The following traits are widely associated with Pisces.
* malleable / impressionable
* gentle
* good natured / easygoing
* likeable / kind
* compassionate / sympathetic
* sensitive
* impractical / dreamy
* instinctive / intuitive
* imaginative / artistically able
* versatile
* gullible / naive / easily led
* spiritual
* escapist
* selfless
Likes: Feeling appreciated, feeling loved, freedom, stability, mystical settings/enchantment, dreaming, having their input valued, being unique
Dislikes: Feeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure
Ideal Careers: caring for the needy, as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine • anything related to the sea • acting • psychics or mystics • religion • cooking • pharmacist
* malleable / impressionable
* gentle
* good natured / easygoing
* likeable / kind
* compassionate / sympathetic
* sensitive
* impractical / dreamy
* instinctive / intuitive
* imaginative / artistically able
* versatile
* gullible / naive / easily led
* spiritual
* escapist
* selfless
Likes: Feeling appreciated, feeling loved, freedom, stability, mystical settings/enchantment, dreaming, having their input valued, being unique
Dislikes: Feeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure
Ideal Careers: caring for the needy, as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine • anything related to the sea • acting • psychics or mystics • religion • cooking • pharmacist
24 October 2008
Dear Guy
Dear Guy in the Big, Black Cowboy Hat -
Your hat is awesome.
Your boots are, too.
You make me cooler by proximity. Thanks for drinking your coffee with soy milk at Janine's.
Your Fan,
Your hat is awesome.
Your boots are, too.
You make me cooler by proximity. Thanks for drinking your coffee with soy milk at Janine's.
Your Fan,
22 October 2008
I may not have any inclination towards or talent for writing about the current political climate, but I'm sure glad that other people do.
Read this now:
Undecided by David Sedaris
Read this now:
Undecided by David Sedaris
15 October 2008
My weekend, in brief.
Ready, Set, GO:
Play Wii.
Power sleep.
Get up at 7.
Bid adieu.
Fast food breakfast.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Tertiary Edition, Radio Play
Find Megan, Mike, Wendy, Jeb.
Eat thai.
Find wedding party.
Look at all those pretty faces.
Bowl a 96.
Bowl a 103.
Drink coffee.
Eat pizza.
Drink whiskey.
Eat cake.
Remove shoes.
Talking Heads.
'It's Raining Men.'
Eat muffins.
Drink coffee.
Eat India Palace.
Drink more coffee.
Eat pizza.
Play video games.
Watch Darkman.
Allergy explosion.
Video games.
Video games.
(Nap nap nap.)
Play Wii.
Power sleep.
Get up at 7.
Bid adieu.
Fast food breakfast.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Tertiary Edition, Radio Play
Find Megan, Mike, Wendy, Jeb.
Eat thai.
Find wedding party.
Look at all those pretty faces.
Bowl a 96.
Bowl a 103.
Drink coffee.
Eat pizza.
Drink whiskey.
Eat cake.
Remove shoes.
Talking Heads.
'It's Raining Men.'
Eat muffins.
Drink coffee.
Eat India Palace.
Drink more coffee.
Eat pizza.
Play video games.
Watch Darkman.
Allergy explosion.
Video games.
Video games.
(Nap nap nap.)
08 October 2008
We Make Good Foods
Let it be known.
My task:
Grilled Cheese with Pesto Cheese, Winter Cheddar, and Tomatoes on Buttertop Bread
Carrot Ginger Soup
Thick-cut Pepper Bacon
SuperFriend task:
Halved Squash with Butter and Brown Sugar
On the side:
Dill Pickles
For dessert:
Light Roast Coffee with Cream and Sugar
We know how to make this one delicious life.
My task:
Grilled Cheese with Pesto Cheese, Winter Cheddar, and Tomatoes on Buttertop Bread
Carrot Ginger Soup
Thick-cut Pepper Bacon
SuperFriend task:
Halved Squash with Butter and Brown Sugar
On the side:
Dill Pickles
For dessert:
Light Roast Coffee with Cream and Sugar
We know how to make this one delicious life.
04 October 2008
Somebody spoke, and I went into a dream
Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my...
No, wait. Wake up, see the beginnings of sunlight, know that's a bad sign, roll over, look at my alarm clock, see 7AM, say MOTHERF***ER (not too loud, don't wake the roommates), pull on pants, find two socks that are vaguely similar, shove everything near me into my bag, curse my STUPID PHONE for shutting itself off in the middle of the night even though it was fully charged, thus not waking me up at 6:15 as planned, put on my shoes, run out the door (did I shut it?), pedal to the metal, GOTTA PEE GOTTA PEE, get in the back door of the shop, turn off the alarm, start the dark roast, open the door, turn on the OPEN sign, go to the bathroom (oh, thank goodness...), settle in, settle down, settle in, settle down.
Off work, three hours to myself, plan for phone repair, new socks, shower, clean hair, nice clothes, ready for DoG, instead drop off phone to get FLASHED (what?), go to Target, find no new socks, buy a drink and some gum, swing by to pick up my phone, sorry not ready, read 1 chapter... read 2 chapters... start a 3rd chapter and realize this is just too long, hey where's my phone, no one answers, I stand, I ask, I sit, I stand, I ask, I watch the guy who helped me first count out his drawer and avoid my eye contact, I ask a woman with a watch for the time, OH MY it's 5:25 and I have to be back at work by 6, lost all chance at shower, clean hair, nice clothes, fixed phone, I ask ONE MORE TIME, a girl comes out and says the flash fried it, nothing left, did anyone warn me that might happen?, no they did not, well, I'll get you a new phone, sorry about this, so sorry, well I have to go right now, can I come back tomorrow, sure come back between 8 and 5 and I'll help you, NO, sorry, I have to work and then play with astronauts.
Pedal to the metal, deep cleansing breaths, breathe in, breathe out, breathe breathe, GO car, GO FASTER.
Pull in.
Big hug.
Big laugh.
Breathing back to normal.
Genuine smile on my face.
Ready to make coffee, dirty face or no. Ready to belly laugh. Ready for the good bit.
Aaaaaannnnnd.... here we go.
No, wait. Wake up, see the beginnings of sunlight, know that's a bad sign, roll over, look at my alarm clock, see 7AM, say MOTHERF***ER (not too loud, don't wake the roommates), pull on pants, find two socks that are vaguely similar, shove everything near me into my bag, curse my STUPID PHONE for shutting itself off in the middle of the night even though it was fully charged, thus not waking me up at 6:15 as planned, put on my shoes, run out the door (did I shut it?), pedal to the metal, GOTTA PEE GOTTA PEE, get in the back door of the shop, turn off the alarm, start the dark roast, open the door, turn on the OPEN sign, go to the bathroom (oh, thank goodness...), settle in, settle down, settle in, settle down.
Off work, three hours to myself, plan for phone repair, new socks, shower, clean hair, nice clothes, ready for DoG, instead drop off phone to get FLASHED (what?), go to Target, find no new socks, buy a drink and some gum, swing by to pick up my phone, sorry not ready, read 1 chapter... read 2 chapters... start a 3rd chapter and realize this is just too long, hey where's my phone, no one answers, I stand, I ask, I sit, I stand, I ask, I watch the guy who helped me first count out his drawer and avoid my eye contact, I ask a woman with a watch for the time, OH MY it's 5:25 and I have to be back at work by 6, lost all chance at shower, clean hair, nice clothes, fixed phone, I ask ONE MORE TIME, a girl comes out and says the flash fried it, nothing left, did anyone warn me that might happen?, no they did not, well, I'll get you a new phone, sorry about this, so sorry, well I have to go right now, can I come back tomorrow, sure come back between 8 and 5 and I'll help you, NO, sorry, I have to work and then play with astronauts.
Pedal to the metal, deep cleansing breaths, breathe in, breathe out, breathe breathe, GO car, GO FASTER.
Pull in.
Big hug.
Big laugh.
Breathing back to normal.
Genuine smile on my face.
Ready to make coffee, dirty face or no. Ready to belly laugh. Ready for the good bit.
Aaaaaannnnnd.... here we go.
Delusions of Grandeur, you rocked little ol' Janine's last night. The place was hopping, full of friendly, loud laughers, and you proved a good date for them all. You showed them a grand time. I, for one, am already ready for more.
What a fine premiere!
Repeat after me, everyone: DoG, Janine's, 1st Friday of every month.
Sarah Palin, in Australia, with a meteorite.
What a fine premiere!
Repeat after me, everyone: DoG, Janine's, 1st Friday of every month.
Sarah Palin, in Australia, with a meteorite.
le petit, again
I asked Pascal how old he turned on his birthday, and he held up his fingers - 4. I asked him if he liked being 4, and he nodded.
Papa said that on the morning of Pascal's birthday, he came into the room, arms flung open wide, as though he felt noticeably bigger.
Today, Pascal asked me how I pick out the things that we sell, what is in the refrigerators, where the dishwasher was ('that's me!' I said, 'I'm the washer!).
He said, 'I'll see you next weekend!'
I told him I won't be here, because I'm going to a big party.
'Who's going to be at the party?'
See you in two weeks, mon petit!
Papa said that on the morning of Pascal's birthday, he came into the room, arms flung open wide, as though he felt noticeably bigger.
Today, Pascal asked me how I pick out the things that we sell, what is in the refrigerators, where the dishwasher was ('that's me!' I said, 'I'm the washer!).
He said, 'I'll see you next weekend!'
I told him I won't be here, because I'm going to a big party.
'Who's going to be at the party?'
See you in two weeks, mon petit!
27 September 2008
le petit prince
So, the tiny, coffee-drinking, french-speaking prince-o-my-heart's name is Pascal.
And today was his birthday, so his papa told me. As an explanation for why he was particularly full of energy, running in and out the front door. I didn't mind all the running around, though, because le petit Pascal has the good manners to run around quietly when he's inside.
He came to ask what the ladles were for while I was doing some dishes, and I told him they were for soup. I told him, "Bon Anniversaire! Happy Birthday!"
To which he replied, "Happy Birthday!"
"What are you going to do for your Birthday?"
"Have presents!"
Later, he came behind the counter while I was making coffee, and asked what the espresso machine was for.
"It's for making coffees like the one your papa was drinking."
"Oh! Well. I'll see you next weekend! 'Bye!"
"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday! 'Bye!"
Bon anniversaire, mon petit chou!
And today was his birthday, so his papa told me. As an explanation for why he was particularly full of energy, running in and out the front door. I didn't mind all the running around, though, because le petit Pascal has the good manners to run around quietly when he's inside.
He came to ask what the ladles were for while I was doing some dishes, and I told him they were for soup. I told him, "Bon Anniversaire! Happy Birthday!"
To which he replied, "Happy Birthday!"
"What are you going to do for your Birthday?"
"Have presents!"
Later, he came behind the counter while I was making coffee, and asked what the espresso machine was for.
"It's for making coffees like the one your papa was drinking."
"Oh! Well. I'll see you next weekend! 'Bye!"
"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday! 'Bye!"
Bon anniversaire, mon petit chou!
25 September 2008
Cry if you want to, I won't tell you not to.
Yesterday, my roommate got home just as I was getting done watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy from last season. I had, as I am wont to do, cried my way through it (I finished my tuna sandwich before the real deluge began), and so there I was: tear-stained, sniffling, ready for the season premiere.
She asked me later why I watch shows that make me cry (lady shows, she called them, thank you for that), and I told her I that I think it's because I find it cathartic. All those emotions that I can't quite find an expression for in my own real life, that don't quite well up to climax of tears, I can let them come out all at once when I watch other people suffering or finding joy. I like to do the same thing when I read books and see performance, as well. (Strangely, more embarrassed to cry when I hurt myself than at a good piece of theater. Why is that, I wonder?) I feel like, maybe, it makes me more prepared and open to my own life, to feel so much for other (fake) people. So long as I don't forget to go out and live my own life, too.
I mean, I also like to laugh at funny shows and be horrified by gritty shows (many can't agree with me on this one), seeing some things I find recognizable from my own life, and others that I, thankfully, can't directly identify with. I feel kind of lucky, that my taste range runs large, so I can love goofy TV and vomit-inducing theater and everything in between.
Really, this post is just so the whole internet knows that I cry when I watch TV, in case anyone didn't already know. It's a good thing, I guess, that I couldn't get that episode of Grey's Anatomy to work while I was at the coffeeshop on Saturday. That would have been a little awkward.
She asked me later why I watch shows that make me cry (lady shows, she called them, thank you for that), and I told her I that I think it's because I find it cathartic. All those emotions that I can't quite find an expression for in my own real life, that don't quite well up to climax of tears, I can let them come out all at once when I watch other people suffering or finding joy. I like to do the same thing when I read books and see performance, as well. (Strangely, more embarrassed to cry when I hurt myself than at a good piece of theater. Why is that, I wonder?) I feel like, maybe, it makes me more prepared and open to my own life, to feel so much for other (fake) people. So long as I don't forget to go out and live my own life, too.
I mean, I also like to laugh at funny shows and be horrified by gritty shows (many can't agree with me on this one), seeing some things I find recognizable from my own life, and others that I, thankfully, can't directly identify with. I feel kind of lucky, that my taste range runs large, so I can love goofy TV and vomit-inducing theater and everything in between.
Really, this post is just so the whole internet knows that I cry when I watch TV, in case anyone didn't already know. It's a good thing, I guess, that I couldn't get that episode of Grey's Anatomy to work while I was at the coffeeshop on Saturday. That would have been a little awkward.
23 September 2008
20 September 2008
Je voudrais un cafe, s'il vous plait.
There is a four-year-old in the cafe right now, visiting for a blackberry Izze and a scone with his papa after french class.
Apparently, sometimes they share coffee, even though the little one is, let me say again, 4. Papa wouldn't give him any espresso, because 'it's not the kind of coffee you like,' much to the little one's dismay.
Seriously, this is my kind of kid.
Also, Papa asked him if his class today was easy or hard, and little one said, 'medium.'
He's a four-year-old genius coffee drinker. We're going to be best friends.
Apparently, sometimes they share coffee, even though the little one is, let me say again, 4. Papa wouldn't give him any espresso, because 'it's not the kind of coffee you like,' much to the little one's dismay.
Seriously, this is my kind of kid.
Also, Papa asked him if his class today was easy or hard, and little one said, 'medium.'
He's a four-year-old genius coffee drinker. We're going to be best friends.
12 September 2008
Wedding Bells
I'm going to the first wedding I've been to in 4 years tomorrow afternoon. The only wedding I was invited to that I'm really, truly sad to have missed in all that time was definitely Sara's wedding in Greenville. I'm still regretting not reading at the wedding. Alas, I was trying, unsuccessfully, to save up money to move to NY.
The last wedding (reception) I went to was Emily and Aaron, and I took my friend Steve as my pseudo-date, and he didn't know anyone but me. He got drunk without me noticing and colored me pictures in children's coloring books, and refused, for the most part, to dance. Oh, Steve. I had a good time, I hope you did, too.
Anyway! Now, I have new friends that are getting married! And tonight I will get to hang out at their rehearsal dinner! And tomorrow I will get to don some fun clothes and see two people who are really cool experience a really important ritual together, and see how happy they make each other, and eat food, and see a handsome friend of mine in a handsome rented suit, and dance a lot, and meet new folks.
The last wedding (reception) I went to was Emily and Aaron, and I took my friend Steve as my pseudo-date, and he didn't know anyone but me. He got drunk without me noticing and colored me pictures in children's coloring books, and refused, for the most part, to dance. Oh, Steve. I had a good time, I hope you did, too.
Anyway! Now, I have new friends that are getting married! And tonight I will get to hang out at their rehearsal dinner! And tomorrow I will get to don some fun clothes and see two people who are really cool experience a really important ritual together, and see how happy they make each other, and eat food, and see a handsome friend of mine in a handsome rented suit, and dance a lot, and meet new folks.
09 September 2008
Somewhere between 8 hours of manual labor and reading for several hours propped up on many pillows last night, I have such a horrible crick in my neck that I keep dropping things at work. Much coffee has ended up on the counter, I can't really look up, and I keep inadvertently cursing under my breath.
I'm not actually in a bad mood about it, which is cool, but I really wish someone would come and fix it. Any takers?
I'm not actually in a bad mood about it, which is cool, but I really wish someone would come and fix it. Any takers?
05 September 2008
...to all of the many generous tippers to come into Janine's today. You've totally made my day. I'm totally gonna buy an ice cream (or two) in your honor.
Shed His Grace On Thee
So. Where do you go when your one-time pick-me-up destination, your go-to vacation, has recently become your new home town? I'll tell you where.
The majestic mountains of Colorado.
Activities included (but were not limited to): playing cards, building fires, hiking, reading books, watching Firefly in its entirety, getting sunburns, riding horses in the Garden of the Gods, riding SCOOTERS in the Garden of the Gods, getting lost in the car on a dark, dark mountain, taking the Cog Rail all the way to the top of Pike's Peak, playing Skeeball, singing Karaoke, watching friends get engaged, drinking coffee, cooking, sleeping, laughing, and eating sooooo muuuuuch goooood fooooood.
Delicious treats included (but were not limited to): Cracker Barrel French toast, Mom's salad, Radina's and Edesia's coffee, vegetables from my Grandparents' garden, French toast stuffed with ham and swiss cheese, eggs, so much BACON!, Butterfinger ice cream, tortellini, hamburgers with pepperjack and mushrooms, some serious mac and cheese, PIROGIES! with Havarti cheese and horseradish, served with smoked salmon and an egg, fresh salt water taffy, fudge, carne asada, menudo (is that a pig's foot in my soup? yes, it certainly is), tots, barbecue chicken, and lots but not enough SONIC.
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
The majestic mountains of Colorado.
Activities included (but were not limited to): playing cards, building fires, hiking, reading books, watching Firefly in its entirety, getting sunburns, riding horses in the Garden of the Gods, riding SCOOTERS in the Garden of the Gods, getting lost in the car on a dark, dark mountain, taking the Cog Rail all the way to the top of Pike's Peak, playing Skeeball, singing Karaoke, watching friends get engaged, drinking coffee, cooking, sleeping, laughing, and eating sooooo muuuuuch goooood fooooood.
Delicious treats included (but were not limited to): Cracker Barrel French toast, Mom's salad, Radina's and Edesia's coffee, vegetables from my Grandparents' garden, French toast stuffed with ham and swiss cheese, eggs, so much BACON!, Butterfinger ice cream, tortellini, hamburgers with pepperjack and mushrooms, some serious mac and cheese, PIROGIES! with Havarti cheese and horseradish, served with smoked salmon and an egg, fresh salt water taffy, fudge, carne asada, menudo (is that a pig's foot in my soup? yes, it certainly is), tots, barbecue chicken, and lots but not enough SONIC.
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.
23 August 2008
People have told me about Devotchka.
But I've managed to ignore them for a long time.
Put some on this morning, and it immediately started to lift me out of the funk I found myself drowning in this morning when I woke up.
Between that, the surprisingly cool morning air, and this delicious cup of coffee I've found for myself, I may make it to the end of this day in one piece.
Thanks, Devotchka!
But I've managed to ignore them for a long time.
Put some on this morning, and it immediately started to lift me out of the funk I found myself drowning in this morning when I woke up.
Between that, the surprisingly cool morning air, and this delicious cup of coffee I've found for myself, I may make it to the end of this day in one piece.
Thanks, Devotchka!
T-Minus 6 Hours
Please whisk me away, from this place that for so long was my Great Escape. Take me back to where I'm from, and then away amongst the trees and the clouds. Let's breathe easier (after the initial strained breath of higher altitudes) and remember how to share and how to be happy. These have been hard weeks and I want to become a better version of myself.
To the mountains, the valleys, the free meals, the big hugs, and the adventure that is to come: CHEERS!
I'm ready.
To the mountains, the valleys, the free meals, the big hugs, and the adventure that is to come: CHEERS!
I'm ready.
15 August 2008
Good Things Come to Those Who...
You know.
Tuesday morning, I call my boss at Janine's, where I've been working part time since the end of the end at TJL, to ask a quick scheduling question. My boss says she's not sure where I am in my job search (I'd sent out another round of resumes to office jobs that morning), but she thinks I'm doing a really good job and doesn't want to lose me if she can help it, so can we figure out how to make the cafe my real job? Especially since she eventually wants to take some leave to have her baby?
Well, YEAH.
You know what I love? Making coffee. You know what I'm good at? Making coffee and being nice to customers. You know where I'd like to do these things? In a tiny cute shop with cute artwork and homemade soups and a garden in the back (as opposed to corporate chocolate with uniforms and chocolate sludge in my shoes and rules rules rules).
So. I am a happy, employed girl, who will have plenty of time and energy to start working on little theatrical projects and keep playing with her friends. How about that? Sounds like the best way to play grownup.
Tuesday morning, I call my boss at Janine's, where I've been working part time since the end of the end at TJL, to ask a quick scheduling question. My boss says she's not sure where I am in my job search (I'd sent out another round of resumes to office jobs that morning), but she thinks I'm doing a really good job and doesn't want to lose me if she can help it, so can we figure out how to make the cafe my real job? Especially since she eventually wants to take some leave to have her baby?
Well, YEAH.
You know what I love? Making coffee. You know what I'm good at? Making coffee and being nice to customers. You know where I'd like to do these things? In a tiny cute shop with cute artwork and homemade soups and a garden in the back (as opposed to corporate chocolate with uniforms and chocolate sludge in my shoes and rules rules rules).
So. I am a happy, employed girl, who will have plenty of time and energy to start working on little theatrical projects and keep playing with her friends. How about that? Sounds like the best way to play grownup.
14 July 2008
Maybe you should be looking at these pictures as well:
Fatal and The First, both directed by Laura Leffler-McCabe. Eventually to make up a trilogy of full-length pieces with Hey! That's My Mom!
Now, whoever wants to give us some money to produce these shows, please give me a call at your nearest convenience.
Fatal and The First, both directed by Laura Leffler-McCabe. Eventually to make up a trilogy of full-length pieces with Hey! That's My Mom!
Now, whoever wants to give us some money to produce these shows, please give me a call at your nearest convenience.
20 June 2008
18 June 2008
Jasper Johns

3 Works by Skewed Visions founders Charles Campbell, Gulgun Kayim, and Sean Kelley-Pegg
This Wednesday Through Saturday 8PM at the Ritz Theater in Northeast.
More information here.
05 June 2008
Bring May Flowers
Oh, man.
I am SICK.
Okay, alright, I'm a lot better than I was this morning. But this morning, when I couldn't breathe through my nose, when my snot was green, when I was coughing hard enough to almost vomit, and I was sitting on the couch using Kleenex not to blow my nose but to wipe up exhausted, spirit-crushed tears... Then I was SICK.
I'm spending the day futzing around on the internet, watching movies, drinking cup after cup of Twinings tea, and generally feeling sorry for myself. I'd just held on so long to the hope that the cold I'd been ignoring would just go the hell away, but today I had to give up hope and just give in to being a sick, crying little girl.
Anyhow, now that I'm feeling a little bit more upbeat (as much as can be expected), I figured it was HIGH TIME to BLOG.
1. End of R&J
Thank God.
2. Vacation #2
Looks like the set from a movie about making movies. Reality twice removed.
The Doctor lives in a cute room in a cute house with beautiful, kind friends, most of whom make movies. I want to move in as soon as possible.
We ate grapefruit with lots of sugar and drank apricot beer and The Doctor read stories out loud and we wore dresses and played with friends and had the best frozen yogurt of my life. I saw LA and the Santa Monica pier and Erin Burns and the Chapman film school, where I ran into a guy I knew from college who's acting in movies now. I found sunglasses and bought shoes. I feel like The Doctor's friends will soon be my friends, too.
I went from being nearly sick with worry and various other forms of bad juju to breathing easy and being happy and seeing pretty visions of my future.
Thank you, OC, and thank you, Doctor.
3. FATAL and My Collegiate Romance with a Robot
Bedlam 10-Minute Play Festival
FATAL felt for awhile like it would not become... but it did, and at the Sunday performance we just busted that shit out and went CRAZY! What a stellar group of people. I continue to look forward to making it an evening-length shot to the face.
My Collegiate Romance... went from being a thing that LMac told me I should make, to a title, to a cast show, to a WRITTEN, cast show, to a piece that I really enjoyed, made what it was by a bunch of people I like and am really proud of. And other people enjoyed it, as well. Who could possibly ask for more than that? There will be pictures available soon, and I will be happy to share them here, there, and everywhere. Sunday, Eric was in the audience, and it was clear that every secret was open to him, and everything moment of catharsis for me was apparent to him in it, and hearing him laugh was like a gift just for me.
So, four performances, then strike, and a champagne toast, and a lot of beer on the rooftop patio, and me, happy as a clam.
4. This week
There is too much to say about the down-sides of this week.
On the sunnier side.
There have been walks, and italian sodas, and movies, and grilled food, and painting, and stories, and a house full of friends, and all sorts of things that make me happy and break my heart at the same time. Which is how it should be, I think.
Okay. I'm going to listen to the rain and finish this movie and try to get all better.
Thanks for coming back.
I am SICK.
Okay, alright, I'm a lot better than I was this morning. But this morning, when I couldn't breathe through my nose, when my snot was green, when I was coughing hard enough to almost vomit, and I was sitting on the couch using Kleenex not to blow my nose but to wipe up exhausted, spirit-crushed tears... Then I was SICK.
I'm spending the day futzing around on the internet, watching movies, drinking cup after cup of Twinings tea, and generally feeling sorry for myself. I'd just held on so long to the hope that the cold I'd been ignoring would just go the hell away, but today I had to give up hope and just give in to being a sick, crying little girl.
Anyhow, now that I'm feeling a little bit more upbeat (as much as can be expected), I figured it was HIGH TIME to BLOG.
1. End of R&J
Thank God.
2. Vacation #2
Looks like the set from a movie about making movies. Reality twice removed.
The Doctor lives in a cute room in a cute house with beautiful, kind friends, most of whom make movies. I want to move in as soon as possible.
We ate grapefruit with lots of sugar and drank apricot beer and The Doctor read stories out loud and we wore dresses and played with friends and had the best frozen yogurt of my life. I saw LA and the Santa Monica pier and Erin Burns and the Chapman film school, where I ran into a guy I knew from college who's acting in movies now. I found sunglasses and bought shoes. I feel like The Doctor's friends will soon be my friends, too.
I went from being nearly sick with worry and various other forms of bad juju to breathing easy and being happy and seeing pretty visions of my future.
Thank you, OC, and thank you, Doctor.
3. FATAL and My Collegiate Romance with a Robot
Bedlam 10-Minute Play Festival
FATAL felt for awhile like it would not become... but it did, and at the Sunday performance we just busted that shit out and went CRAZY! What a stellar group of people. I continue to look forward to making it an evening-length shot to the face.
My Collegiate Romance... went from being a thing that LMac told me I should make, to a title, to a cast show, to a WRITTEN, cast show, to a piece that I really enjoyed, made what it was by a bunch of people I like and am really proud of. And other people enjoyed it, as well. Who could possibly ask for more than that? There will be pictures available soon, and I will be happy to share them here, there, and everywhere. Sunday, Eric was in the audience, and it was clear that every secret was open to him, and everything moment of catharsis for me was apparent to him in it, and hearing him laugh was like a gift just for me.
So, four performances, then strike, and a champagne toast, and a lot of beer on the rooftop patio, and me, happy as a clam.
4. This week
There is too much to say about the down-sides of this week.
On the sunnier side.
There have been walks, and italian sodas, and movies, and grilled food, and painting, and stories, and a house full of friends, and all sorts of things that make me happy and break my heart at the same time. Which is how it should be, I think.
Okay. I'm going to listen to the rain and finish this movie and try to get all better.
Thanks for coming back.
01 May 2008
I just wrote a really long post about the failing technology of my workplace, but upon re-reading, find it TOTALLY BORING.
Long story short? In the last week and half, my computer crashed, and was not backed up in any way. My co-worker's computer froze in the middle of a database upload and she has to leave it alone until a technician comes in next week. The phone system went on the fritz, and it took me 2 days, 36 phone calls, an hour on the phone with the technical director reading DOS-like menus outloud, to fix the damn thing.
We are home to gremlins that come out at night and have drunken parties, and our technology is paying the price.
Long story short? In the last week and half, my computer crashed, and was not backed up in any way. My co-worker's computer froze in the middle of a database upload and she has to leave it alone until a technician comes in next week. The phone system went on the fritz, and it took me 2 days, 36 phone calls, an hour on the phone with the technical director reading DOS-like menus outloud, to fix the damn thing.
We are home to gremlins that come out at night and have drunken parties, and our technology is paying the price.
21 April 2008
Did somebody say Macbeth? Who was it?
A month and a half?
Sorry, I've been learning to throw stage punches from a hot Canadian. Sue me.
Romeo y Julietta opened this weekend, a charmed weekend so I'm told. Friday was the day of several planets aligning for several hours in just such a way that everyone on earth is inevitably going to drop whatever their holding, fall down, lose a limb, forget someone's birthdays, etc. Sunday was the full moon, the special kind that happened when Christ and Buddha... yeah, I don't know, I was only half paying attention to my mom on the phone about this one. Sounded pretty SWEET though - especially the part about llamas.
Saturday's show, in between the planets mis-aligning and that full moon, was so full of mishaps we probably should have just called it quits at intermission. Balthazar shattered a glass bottle with a pipe, then fell on his ass when he fought Tybalt; the Prince punched Juliet in the nose as Romeo accidentally ripped open Juliet's dress at the boobs; Capulet gashed his arm open on - what? someone's zipper? - and on and on. Blood blood and more blood.
May we ward off death and severe injury for the next 9 performances.
IN RELATED NEWS: I'm about to start rehearsals for the 10-minute play that had a name and a cast well before it ever had a script.
A month and a half?
Sorry, I've been learning to throw stage punches from a hot Canadian. Sue me.
Romeo y Julietta opened this weekend, a charmed weekend so I'm told. Friday was the day of several planets aligning for several hours in just such a way that everyone on earth is inevitably going to drop whatever their holding, fall down, lose a limb, forget someone's birthdays, etc. Sunday was the full moon, the special kind that happened when Christ and Buddha... yeah, I don't know, I was only half paying attention to my mom on the phone about this one. Sounded pretty SWEET though - especially the part about llamas.
Saturday's show, in between the planets mis-aligning and that full moon, was so full of mishaps we probably should have just called it quits at intermission. Balthazar shattered a glass bottle with a pipe, then fell on his ass when he fought Tybalt; the Prince punched Juliet in the nose as Romeo accidentally ripped open Juliet's dress at the boobs; Capulet gashed his arm open on - what? someone's zipper? - and on and on. Blood blood and more blood.
May we ward off death and severe injury for the next 9 performances.
IN RELATED NEWS: I'm about to start rehearsals for the 10-minute play that had a name and a cast well before it ever had a script.
04 March 2008
Winter Demons
Thinking again of inconvenient affections of eras past, of spring time, of big cities. Thinking of anywhere but here. Thinking of streets where all of the snow has been cleared away, of streets that smell like melting, burning, maybe even that sickly sweet smell of the underground. You know you'd better watch out when you'd rather smell subways than wear scarves and caps and sweaters one more day.
I'm taking a vacation. A week from tomorrow I'm getting on a plane, with no money and high hopes. I'll have a whole week of paid vacation during which I will do absolutely anything I want in that dirty pretty city I used to call home. And this is better - every town is better when you're a visitor.
I will sleep on the couch of my old apartment.
I will visit my old haunts.
I will play a ghost in this particular scene.
I will try to regain my wits, since I seem to have lost them several months ago. Maybe I'll have an epiphany. At least I'll have some time to walk around. To do the things that I never had the energy for back then.
Do you think it's brainless to assume that making changes to your window's view will give a new perspective?
We'll see.
I'm taking a vacation. A week from tomorrow I'm getting on a plane, with no money and high hopes. I'll have a whole week of paid vacation during which I will do absolutely anything I want in that dirty pretty city I used to call home. And this is better - every town is better when you're a visitor.
I will sleep on the couch of my old apartment.
I will visit my old haunts.
I will play a ghost in this particular scene.
I will try to regain my wits, since I seem to have lost them several months ago. Maybe I'll have an epiphany. At least I'll have some time to walk around. To do the things that I never had the energy for back then.
Do you think it's brainless to assume that making changes to your window's view will give a new perspective?
We'll see.
02 March 2008
Time Flies
Holy crap.
I'm 24.
When did that happen?
Anyway, it's been good so far, all day of it. Gonna be a good year. I can feel it my blood.
Thanks to all the beauties that traveled from the far reaches of the Cities to attend my birthday party. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did, but even if you didn't, thank you thank you thank you.
I'm 24.
When did that happen?
Anyway, it's been good so far, all day of it. Gonna be a good year. I can feel it my blood.
Thanks to all the beauties that traveled from the far reaches of the Cities to attend my birthday party. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did, but even if you didn't, thank you thank you thank you.
04 February 2008
21 January 2008
20 January 2008
There's a gentleman.
There are Russian dancers.
And there's Skewed Visions.
(I have infiltrated to fortress.)
This . . . is my poor excuse for not writing. I've been planning a "2007: Year In Review," and I'd sure as hell better post it before the end of January or I'm officially a jerk.
Small-world coincidence of this evening: while at a potluck for the Russians, I met a Russian filmmaker who lives/works in New York. She looked really familiar, so I asked her to tell me about what she does in NY, to see if I could figure out a connection. Cool stuff, but no connection, until I told her what I was doing in NY last year. She said, "Oh, yeah. I went to Foreman's show last year." Which means I inevitably gave her her tickets. She was waiting for her boyfriend at the theatre, and he was late, so I likely saw her twice in the lobby when she turned back his ticket so he could pick it up himself, which explains why I remembered her face. (Also, she may have been one of the girls that the Eduardo was momentarily infatuated with - she is awfully pretty.)
Anyway, we talked about performance, she passed along some info on the new biennial performance festival in NY, and gave me her card so I can call her next time I'm in NY.
There's a gentleman.
There are Russian dancers.
And there's Skewed Visions.
(I have infiltrated to fortress.)
This . . . is my poor excuse for not writing. I've been planning a "2007: Year In Review," and I'd sure as hell better post it before the end of January or I'm officially a jerk.
Small-world coincidence of this evening: while at a potluck for the Russians, I met a Russian filmmaker who lives/works in New York. She looked really familiar, so I asked her to tell me about what she does in NY, to see if I could figure out a connection. Cool stuff, but no connection, until I told her what I was doing in NY last year. She said, "Oh, yeah. I went to Foreman's show last year." Which means I inevitably gave her her tickets. She was waiting for her boyfriend at the theatre, and he was late, so I likely saw her twice in the lobby when she turned back his ticket so he could pick it up himself, which explains why I remembered her face. (Also, she may have been one of the girls that the Eduardo was momentarily infatuated with - she is awfully pretty.)
Anyway, we talked about performance, she passed along some info on the new biennial performance festival in NY, and gave me her card so I can call her next time I'm in NY.
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